With Sue Firestone
This project was a thrilling collaboration, with two of the most talented designers that Oaklore has had the honor to work with. When you get the chance to work with a designer like a Sue Firestone or an A. Rudin on a customer furniture line, there is zero effort to draw inspiration, they provide a new vision at every turn. The real effort is needed to ensure the fabrication process offers the visually stunning details and undeniable artisan quality that you would come to expect from Oaklore.
We take great pride and pleasure in bringing a designer's creativity to fruition. This line includes a large variety of furnishings that needed to go from paper to a home. From a Big Leaf Maple Burl Nightstand to a Walnut Credenza that warps space and pleases the eye, we paid every attention to detail and helped produce a furniture line that we are proud to be a part of.
The connection Sue Firestone has to nature, and her appreciation of the fundamental uniqueness within the organic materials used, made this a remarkably ideal partnership. This, combined with our mutual respect for craftsmanship, really paved the way for this visually stunning endeavor.
“In addition to the craftsmanship and beauty, what I love is that each piece is fundamentally one of a kind”